On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 17:56:01 +0200
Giuseppe Bilotta
Monday, October 21, 2002 Jens-Uwe Morawski wrote:
JUM> On Sun, 20 Oct 2002 23:59:31 +0200 JUM> Hans Hagen
wrote: i come back to the tooltips later
JUM> \balloon[placement={below,centered}, JUM> frameclass=DropMenu, JUM> opendirection=down, JUM> openaction=OnClick] JUM> {Chapters} JUM> {\placelist JUM> [chapter] JUM> [criterium=all, JUM> alternative=a, JUM> pagenumber=no, JUM> interaction=all]}
JUM> and tooltips are then: JUM> \defineballoon[tooltip][...]
I have a draft implementation for this.
will test it later
By now, the only thing that can be configured is the framecommand. I decided to use this instead of a frameclass because it's even more flexible (with frameclass, you need to define a different frame class for each different ballon type, even if changes are small; this way, small changes can be applied more easily when defining new tooltips.)
i was thinking that the framedclass= option could mean that the object inherits the configuration of the framed-class. So \defineframed[MyFramed][frame=off,leftframe=on,topframe=on,framecolor=red] can be used as \MyFramed, but even in \balloon[framedclass=MyFramed,framecolor=green]{...}{...} This balloon would have the top-frame and the left-frame visible, but the frame is drawn in green instead of red. Thus you _can_ specify a framedclass= to inherit a configuration but you have also all other framed-parameters (see \setupframed) available. For consistency this should be possible in all objects that support framed-settings, not only in balloons. Jens