Hello Hans,
\starttable[|||] \HL[2] \NC test \NC test \NC \FR \HL[5] \NC test \NC test \NC \MR \HL[8] \NC test \NC test \NC \LR \HL[2] \stoptable
These [n] are multiplies of a default dimension? I'd like to say \TR for a default (predefined, thicker) top rule or \TR[30pt] for a very thick top rule. Same with a \MR and \BR (mid rule, bottom rule), but these names are already used... I see: with s0 the table is trimmed left and right. Great.
To get a horizontal rule from column a to column b you can (in LaTeX) use: \cmidrule[<wd>](<trim>){a–b} where wd is the rulethickness, trim is where to cut off a bit, and a, b the columns. This is a very nice command that I often use.
\starttable[||||] \HL[2] \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \FR \DC \DL[2] \DR \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \MR \HL[8] \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \LR \HL[2] \stoptable
Is it possible to trim the second horizontal rule so that the left and right edge are cut off?
\addlinespace addes a little space between rows.
we have \SR for that
And here again, I'd like to be able to specify the vertical spacing. Thanks so far, I am getting closer. And I promise to write a myway once I can make a table like the ones I am used to. Patrick -- ConTeXt wiki: http://contextgarden.net