Shiv Shankar Dayal schrieb am 27.12.2023 um 13:19:
I use following in Latex to generate old factorial symbol:
\newcommand{\oldfact}[1]{% \tikz[baseline]{\node[anchor=base,inner sep=0.3ex](mynode){\ensuremath{#1}};\draw(mynode.north west)--(mynode.south west)--(mynode.south east);\path[use as bounding box]($(mynode.south west)+(-0.3ex,-0.3ex)$)rectangle($(mynode.north east)+(0.3ex,0.3ex)$);} }
What do you expect here to pass as argument to the oldfact command?
But I do not know how to make it work in ConTeXt as I am not very familiar with ConTeXt.
If you see https://www.ntg.nl/maps/36/09.pdf page no. 28 then proof is defined as
\defineenumeration [proof] [ text=Proof, number=no, headstyle=italic, title=no, %this is the default closesymbol={\mathematics{\square}}, style=normal]
But the closessymbol does not work.
I will create a minimum working example and post it as soon as possible.
This works here: \defineenumeration [proof] [closesymbol={\mathematics{\square}}] \starttext \startproof \samplefile{lorem} \stopproof \stoptext Wolfgang