Dear all, I am struggling with a sectioned Bibliography for a thesis. I think I may have found a, maybe not very elegant but workable, solution: I need three Bibliography sections: Books&Articles, Treatises and Music. I have a separate .bib-file for each (I use BibDesk but that is probably not relevant for my problem), of which I have ConTeXt create a .bbl-file. In the backmatter I include an unnumbered chapter, with three sections, in each of which I import its own .bbl-file and a file just containing all its \nocites. With \placepublications[criterium=local] it gives the desired result, but unfortunately only with mkii. It does not work with mkiv (of july 13 and earlier) and I need mkiv for the rest of the thesis. The example given below works with mkii but not with mkiv (of july 13 and earlier). With mkiv the following happens: With \placepublications[criterium=local] the sections remain empty. With \placepublications[criterium=text] only the first section contains data. With \placepublications[criterium=all] all trhree sections contain data but the content of the previous sections is added to the next. I also tried \placepublications[criterium=section] and placepublications[criterium=bysection] but sections remain empty. What can I do to get it, sections with individual Bibliographies, working with mkiv? Thanks in advance for any advice. Robert Blackstone --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \setuppublications[alternative=apa,sort=author] \setuphead[chapter][number=no] \setuphead[section][number=no] \starttext \chapter{References} \section{Articles, Books and Theses} \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={Cam1},totalnumber=2] \startpublication[k=Cunningham:2010vn,t=phdthesis, a={{Cunningham}},y=2010, n=12,s=Cun10] \author[]{John}[J.]{}{Cunningham} \title{{The Consort Music of William Lawes, 1602-1645}} \pubyear{2010} \pubname{Leeds University} \stoppublication \startpublication[k=Westrup:1960fk,t=article, a={{Westrup}},y=1960, n=9,s=Wes60] \artauthor[]{J.~A.}[J.~A.]{}{Westrup} \pubyear{1960} \arttitle{Personal view: \quote{Words for Music}} \journal{The Musical Times} \volume{101~} \issue{1430} \pages{693-4} \month{november} \stoppublication \nocite[Cunningham:2010vn] \nocite[Westrup:1960fk] \placepublications[criterium=local] \section{Treatises} \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={dTMB02},totalnumber=2] \startpublication[k=Agostino-Agazzari:1607ek,t=book, a={{Agazzari}},y=1607, n=249,s=Aga07] \author[]{Agostino}[A.]{}{Agazzari} \pubyear{1607} \title{Del suonare sopra il basso con tutti stromenti \& uso loro nel conserto} \city{Siena} \stoppublication \startpublication[k=Artusi:1586df,t=book, a={{Artusi}},y=1586, n=262,s=Art86] \author[]{Giovanni~Maria}[G.~M.]{}{Artusi} \pubyear{1586} \title{L'Arte del contrapunto ridotta in Tavole} \city{Venetia} \pubname{Giacomo Vincentini} \stoppublication \nocite[Agostino-Agazzari:1607ek] \nocite[Artusi:1586df] \placepublications[criterium=local] \section{Music} \setuppublicationlist[samplesize={Cam2},totalnumber=2] \startpublication[k=:2015bh,t=manual, a={:2015bh},y=, n=1,s=:20] \title{Lochamer Liederbuch {\em (mid 15\high{th} century)}} \note{Facsimile Edition {\em Lochamer-Liederbuch: und das Fundamentum Organisandi} (Paumann), editor Konrad Ameln, B{\"a}renreiter, Kassel 1972} \stoppublication \startpublication[k=Piccioni:1610ly,t=book, a={{Piccioni}},y=1610, n=2,s=Pic10] \author[]{Giovanni}[G.]{}{Piccioni} \pubyear{1610} \title{Concerti Ecclesiastici Di Giovanni Piccioni {\`a} Vna, {\`a} Due, {\`a} Tre, {\`a} Quattro, {\`a} Cinque, {\`a} Sei, {\`a} Sette, \& {\`a} Otto voci, Con il suo Basso seguito per l'Organo Nouamente posti in luce} \city{Venice} \stoppublication \nocite[:2015bh] \nocite[Piccioni:1610ly] \placepublications[criterium=local] \stoptext ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------