Lukas via ntg-context schrieb am 04.09.2023 um 13:33:
" \setuphead[section][distance=1.25em] \setuphead[section][style=\bfc] "
On 2023-09-04 11:25, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Am 04.09.23 um 13:06 schrieb Lukas via ntg-context:
IOW to force the word "stavby" not to cross the right border (see the green vertical line) but to appear on the next line?
I played with "strict", "verytolerant" and similar options but they seem not to affect section titles.
What’s your section setup, esp. the align settings?
Please try to provide a *working* minimal example the next time, otherwise we have to fill the missing parts (\starttext ... \stoptext). \mainlanguage[cz] \setuphead [section] [distance=1.25em, style=\bfc, align={flushleft,broad,nothyphenated}] \setupbodyfont[8pt] \starttext \chapter{Dummy} \samplefile{lorem} \section{Specifické požadavky pro předpokládanou technologii stavby (přístupy, přívody el. energie, skladovací plochy, montážní a pomocné plochy, montážní a pomocné konstrukce, ...)} \stoptext Wolfgang