Hi, I was using in the past (MKII) a snippet of code to produce (natural) tables from CSV. I was trying to compile my code with MKIV, but this does not work anymore. As a matter of fact, it doe snot work at all, nor MKII, nor MKIV (probably my error !). So I came back to the wiki, where my code came from, and the code below is just a copy for the wiki. It is supposed to make a table with three columns, but there is only one column in the resulting tableā¦ I admit I do not understand the code, but is there is missing \eTR somewhere ? Thanks for any help. Fabrice. Ps: in case someone is interested, I use this to produce statistical tables for teaching. I can share.. ! % ------------------------------------------------------ \starttext % Iterate over all the lines of text captured with \obeylines active % command to call is first argument, is not called for empty lines \bgroup \obeylines \gdef\ProcessLines#1#2{\doProcessLines{#1}#2^^M\doProcessLines}% \gdef\doProcessLines#1#2^^M#3\doProcessLines{% \doifnotempty{#2}{#1{#2}}% \doifnotempty{#3}{\doProcessLines{#1}#3\doProcessLines}% }% \egroup \def\startCSV{\bgroup\obeylines\dostartCSV} \def\TBLentry#1{\bTD#1\eTD} \def\TBLline#1{\bTR\processcommalist[#1]\TBLentry} \def\dostartCSV#1\stopCSV{% \bTABLE \ProcessLines\TBLline{#1}% \eTABLE \egroup } % some additional settings for the table may be made as well \setupTABLE[c][2][style=\tt] \setupTABLE[c][3][align=middle] \setupTABLE[r][1][style=bold] \startCSV Name,Email,Accepted \CONTEXT,worth@trying.to,Yes Hans,main@developer.of,Yes Bug,get@rid.of,No \stopCSV \stoptext