Hi Wolfgang,
Good to know that, but I might have some questions.
Yes, the name of the key is “features”, the missing “s” was a typo.
When you take a look into char-def.lua you can see names certain character ranges and “range=cyrillic”
used such a name.
For a chinese font you need “range={cjkunifiedideographs,cjkunifiedideographsextensiona,…}".
Because the list with names is very long you do this setup only once with the \definefontfamilypreset
command, e.g.
and load this setup when you set the font with \definefontfamilyfallback, e.g.
For the moment I added three presets “chinese”, “japanese” and “korean” but they need better
names, e.g. “range:chinese” because there could be also “features:chinese” etc.
The module provides keys to apply a certain font and feature for each alternative (upright, italic etc.)
of a font, a complete list with all keys is shown in the table below.
| Alternative | Font | Feature |
| tf | regularfont | regularfeatures |
| it | italicfont | italicfeatures |
| sl | slantedfont | slantedfeatures |
| bf | boldfont | boldfeatures |
| bi | bolditalicfont | bolditalicfeatures |
| bs | boldslantedfont | boldslantedfeatures |
| sc | smallcapsfont | smallcapsfeatures |
The feature-keys expect the name from the \definefontfeature command, when you don’t
specify a feature to a certain alternative the value from the “features” key is used.
When you want to set a certain font for a alternative there are different ways, I’m going
to show the different ways with a few examples where I change the font for italic.
1. Use the filename of a font. With the “file:” prefix you can the tell the module
to look for a file with the given name, when the file isn’t found the font from
the tf-alternative is used. The file-method is also used when you omit the prefix.
\setupfontfamily [serif] [DejaVu Serif] [italicfont=file:dejavuserifbold]
Regular and \it Italic
2. Use a certain style. When you use the “style: ”prefix the module looks for a certain
style of the requested font.
\setupfontfamily [serif] [DejaVu Serif] [italicfont=style:bolditalic]
Regular and \it Italic
3. Search for a font with a certain name. When you use the “name:” prefix the module
looks for a font with the requested name. Names are internal values of a font which
is sometimes the same as the filename.
\setupfontfamily [serif] [DejaVu Serif] [italicfont=name:dejavuserifbold]
Regular and \it Italic
4. Use the spec information. When you use the “spec:” prefix you can request a font
with a certain “weight” (bold or normal), “style” (italic or normal) and variant (smallcaps or normal).
\setupfontfamily [serif] [DejaVu Serif] [italicfont=spec:bold-italic]
Regular and \it Italic
There is a possibility that I change the way to set font and features for alternatives
in the feature to a way which is more compact and easier to parse in Lua.