On Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:41:53 +0100, Wolfgang Schuster
Am 23.12.2014 um 23:32 schrieb j. van den hoff
: thanks to both of you. in fact, just doing `mtxrun —script font —reload —force' restored sane behaviour (italics back again etc.).
so, I understand that _this_ actually rebuilds the font data base? what, then, is just issuing `—reload’ good for?
When you make a new installation and context runs for the first time it make a scan for all available fonts and store some information about each font but this will take some time (although this is now faster than it has been in the past).
To add a new font to this list you can use "mtxrun —script font —reload“ which adds only new fonts to the list which is faster than a complete rebuild of the list which is done with the "force“ option.
I see. but could there be some "loose ends" in this? since what happenend in my case was: 1. after de-novo installation of `context' standalone, `optima.ttc' was recognized completely (including italics and bold). 2. after adding `ebgaramond' it was not recognized before doing a `mtxrun —script font —reload'. so up to here this is perfectly in accord with your explanation. but 3. at this point `optima' was no longer recognized beyond the `regular' variant. so something "bad" happened to the database during step 2 it seems although according to your explantion it only should have led to appending information for ebgaramond without affecting the rest. 4. the complete rebuild (`-force') restored everything to normal. just in case this deserves further inspection. joerg
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