Hello Hans and others, I'd have two comments to the texmf/scripts/context/ruby/base/tex.rb script. 1. I find quite impractical that the formats (cont-en, cont-nl etc.) are hardcoded in the scripts. When one wants to add a new format, then he must add it on 4 or 5 places in the script, and do it again and again everytime when upgrading ConTeXt. :-( 2. Maybe this is an OS and TeX distribution specific issue... I use TeXLive 2005 on Windows XP. The TeX formats are located in C:\TeXLive\texmf-var\web2c. [the "kpsewhich --show-path=fmt" command also shows this path]. When generating a format using "texmfstart texexec --make en", the generated format is placed into C:\TeXLive\texmf-var\web2c\pdfetex. Then, when trying to use the format, it is not found... This is done on line 547 of tex.rb: texformatpath = if getvariable('local') then '.' else Kpse.formatpath(texengine,true) end So I've changed it to "Kpse.formatpath(texengine,false)" and everything is fine. But I don't understand why it is set so by default and why it doesn't work for me. Does anybody experience the same problem? -Richard