I have already asked this question on Stackexchange. It appears that no one who has seen the question knows an answer. I figure I'll ask here too, just to cover all bases. I need to link to some online resources in my PDF file. Based on the official documentation, I have written:
\useURL[dbdk] [http://dbpedia.org/page/The_Dark_Knight_(film)] [] [it's link to DBPedia]
Lorem ipsum \goto{the LinkedMDB.org entry on The Dark Knight}[url(http://data.linkedmdb.org/page/film/6224)], and \from[dbdk] dolor sit amet.
Note my code for the link to DBpedia: I had to write it in this convoluted way, instead of using my preferred \goto, because the link has the special characters, `(` and `)`. These characters interfered with `url()`. I can't use HTML's URL encoding scheme because the `%`s interfere with TeX. Is there another escape code format in ConTeXt for use within `\goto{...}[url(...)]`? Using the suggestion by @phg, I tried the following:
\startasciimode Lorem ipsum \goto{the LinkedMDB.org entry on The Dark Knight}[url(http://data.linkedmdb.org/page/film/6224)], and \goto{it's link to DBPedia}[url(http://dbpedia.org/page/The_Dark_Knight_%28film%29)] dolor sit amet. \stopasciimode I still had to use escape codes, `%28` and `%29`, to keep it from interfering with url(). It turns out that DBpedia does not like these codes, and requires the actual characters. Is there another way I put them in `\goto{...}[url(...)]`?
Thanks! Prash