Am 26.05.2011 um 18:48 schrieb Alan Braslau:
\define[3]\ChapterList {\vbox{\par\noindent\currentlistsymbol#1\crlf#2\enspace\listdots\enspace#3}}
Your \par is useless here because we’re in a box.
Almost works. Almost in that all lines get indented by one level, and then the page number (and the title if it is long and multi-line) stick(s) out by this much on the right.
The manual is a bit cryptic concerning horizontal and vertical: "As an alternative for none, we can use horizontal and vertical. Both commands have their spacing tuned for typesetting lists in for instance menus."
I don’t read the manual very often, so i missed this. There are two ways to have a interactive list: 1. Patch the command alternative 2. Introduce a new alternative which has interactive support plus a few more missing features (e.g. label support) Wolfgang