Am 06.12.2013 um 20:20 schrieb H. van der Meer
Indeed, \setuplist[chapter][width=3em] makes the chapternumber set in a wider field.
But the alignment is as bad as it was: flushleft, i.e. the 1 of chapter 10 still aligns with the units from the lower chapters instead of aligning to the zero.
I looked up \setuplist in the command catalogue but cannot find a parameter to align this number, either to the right or to the left. It just seems to stick with the builtin default.
\define[1]\ChapterListNumber {\simplealignedbox{\listparameter{width}}{flushright}{#1}} \setuplist[chapter][width=2em,distance=1em,numbercommand=\ChapterListNumber] \starttext \title{Table of contents} \placecontent \dorecurse{20}{\chapter{Chapter #1}} \stoptext
I tried something like \setupitemgroup[chapter][][][itemalign=left (also tried right)] but to no avail.
Why do you think lists use the itemgroup/itemize mechanism? Wolfgang