Monday, July 26, 2004 Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:
Well, this is pretty old news, so I'm not sure if a reply is still called for; whatever, here comes: I'm not quite sure why Giuseppe is trying to use eomega instead of plain ole pdftex. I mean, you're not writing Greek in Unicode, right? If you're still interested, drop me a line, I have a home-cooked Greek package for ConTeXt which works very well on my box (which is teTeX on Mac OS X); I could send you the files. And the iota subscript is usuall done with an | after the vowel, as in a|. The combination =A (alpha with circumflex) does not occur in classical Greek without a breathing, but
I think it would be worth it to make your package public. Consider submitting it to CTAN. We should try and populate the context repository there :) (Tobias, I've read your email, I'm just catching up with the mail ...) The reason why I wanted an Omega/Aleph solution was that I am working on Aleph (the program) and I need to know if there are bugs and where :) -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta