On 6 Aug 2020, at 09:09, Willi Egger
wrote: Hello good morning,
I encounter a strange problem when compiling my project. The book has 252 pages, compilation runs without errors. But after 87 pages the bottom frame of the header is turned off. The \setupbackgrounds command is given only once in the preamble. — So I am curious what that can be. I tried to reproduce the problem by a simple 255 page loop, but there the issue does not appear.
There is no difference between MKIV and LMTX, no difference in older version and yesteray evening’s version of ConTeXt.
My question is whether anybody has an idea how to track down this issue.
1. limit the document to 88 pages ;) 2. try deleting in-between chapters, and see if that helps. My approach after that would be to turn on logging (\loggingall) on page 86, and try to find something related to backgrounds in the log afterward. But I do not know how well that would work. Best wishes, Taco