Le 10 déc. 03, à 23:05, Henning Hraban Ramm a écrit :
Am Mittwoch, 10.12.03, um 19:55 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Willi Egger:
: 3 - some package or binding to Lilypond (for writing music/midi and : xml) That would be very-very nice. By the way, are there any plans to implement this feature (Lilypond binding) or, may be, some other ways to typeset music in ConTeXt?
if i'd time i'd write a metapost based engine .... with regards to lilypond, it depends on how latex dependent things are
Lilypond makes use of LaTeX only. Secondly be aware, that the software runs under Linux and under Cygwin.
Hm, perhaps it would be possible to use some MusicTeX version? AFAIK that's based on PlainTeX and could be compatible
I think there VERY much more work about lilypond that about Musi*TeX. Also Lilipond has a modern approch and has a very good (*TeX) documentation. From http://lilypond.org/web/about/faq.html Will run on my computer? LilyPond is written for Unix, so it should run on any modern Unix variant, including Linux/GNU and MacOS X. There is also a MS Windows port, which uses the Cygwin environment. About other format: We have the following requirements: • the format must use ASCII, • it must be concise enough to type by hand, • it must have a concise formal specification, • it must be expressive enough to support many types of notation and printed formats. We believe that none of the existing formats address all these requirements. For example, MusicXML cannot be typed by hand, DARMS is limited in its application, ABC has no strict formal definition, and NIFF is binary. Nevertheless, this does not restrict you for using those formats: there are filters that convert from various formats to .ly Also there is some converter from lilypond to xml So instead of Hans restarting a new Music Notation project, Hans should make lilypond team using Context instead of LaTeX ;-) Also I noted that : - Lilypond is NOT a TeX macro, it only seems to be a dedicated (powerfull) subset of TeX (but allow input of TeX macro) - Lilypond make use of TeX for page breaking and other stuff So How to use Lilypond with ConTeXt? 1 - use Lilypond as an independant tool for building short (less or equal to one page) as pdf figure and include them in context as external figure (that is the way I'll do, because I'm not clever enought to do much more :-) 2 - make Lilypond team understand how ConTeXt is much more interesting as automatic formatic tool for creating pdf than LaTeX is! 3 - Allow using lilypond inside ConTeXt with \startmusic \stopmusic I think this method would be much like typesetting chimical Hans has not to be developping a nex package, just using one that already exist Also I think Lilipond could interest much more people that the only short xTeX poeple user. But Lilipond in not as easy to install (to many LaTeX dependancy). So the Lilypond tead could be interested by the new future alternative ConTeXt-live CDROM distribution ;-) ConTeXt-live (alias LaTeX-3: the only "nothing to install" TeX based type system that allow to do : - Mathematical, - graphical (Metapost), - Chimical, - Musical hight quality pdf documentation or web based presentation!!! P.S. I don't (yet) use Lilypond, but I looked after some text based Music notation for my wife. I thought first to MusixTex (too eavy, too old) then the abc format (which could be import as ps/pdf figure), then I found that lilypond was closely related to TeX. So it's probably the choice I'll do. -- Maurice Diamantini