Dnia 2013-06-06, o godz. 09:49:27
Hans Hagen
On 6/6/2013 12:36 AM, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
Sorry to say that, but neither seems to work...
it is hard to say what goes wrong if you only show the error message and no real code
Sorry for that, my fault. Now comes the fun part: I *copied* my code from "my" version of spac-hor.mkiv to the document, and it started to work then! Strange. I attach a MWE. Hans, is it possible to add something like that to spac-hor.mkiv? (This code is not very nice, there's some duplication, but it's simple and works;).) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \unprotect \installindentingmethod{oddpairs}{\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state\plusthree} \installindentingmethod{evenpairs}{\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state\plusfour} \newcount \c_spac_par_modulo_four \def\spac_indentation_evenpairs_toggle {% \advance \c_spac_par_modulo_four \plusone \ifnum \c_spac_par_modulo_four=4 \c_spac_par_modulo_four=0 \fi \ifcase \c_spac_par_modulo_four \global\indentationtrue \or \global\indentationfalse \spac_indentation_remove \or \global\indentationfalse \spac_indentation_remove \or \global\indentationtrue \fi } \def\spac_indentation_oddpairs_toggle {% \advance \c_spac_par_modulo_four \plusone \ifnum \c_spac_par_modulo_four=4 \c_spac_par_modulo_four=0 \fi \ifcase \c_spac_par_modulo_four \global\indentationfalse \spac_indentation_remove \or \global\indentationtrue \or \global\indentationtrue \or \global\indentationfalse \spac_indentation_remove \fi } \def\spac_indentation_check_toggle {\ifcase\c_spac_indentation_toggle_state % nothing \or % odd \spac_indentation_no_toggle \or % even \spac_indentation_do_toggle \or % oddpairs \global\let\checkindentation\spac_indentation_oddpairs_toggle \or % evenpairs \global\let\checkindentation\spac_indentation_evenpairs_toggle \fi} \protect \setupindenting[yes,1em] \starttext \startlines[indenting=evenpairs] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec vehicula augue eu neque. \stoplines \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Best, -- Marcin Borkowski http://octd.wmi.amu.edu.pl/en/Marcin_Borkowski Adam Mickiewicz University