Hi, Rob Ermers wrote:
Dear friends,
Some time ago Wolfgang Zilig asked on this forum if the letter module is still supported. He also sent his log file, the last line of which reads:
system : macros of module letter loaded (C:\texmf\tex\plain\base\letter.tex ! Undefined control sequence. l.13 \nopagenumbers ?
That is a plain TeX input file, named "letter.tex". It is loaded because ConTeXt uses the name you feed into \usemodule without prefix as last resort (if it cannot find any version with a t-, s- or m- prefix). It is not related to the ConTeXt letter module.
specials : fdf,tpd loaded system : macros of module letter loaded (J:\tex\localtexmf\tex\context\base\m-letter.tex
What is in this file ? It is obviously present, but does it actually contain the 'letter module' macros? (I doubt that) Greetings, Taco