Hi Hans, You misunderstood me. I am aware how CTAN and TeXLive works. Mocja, said HE would do the upload to CTAN. Also, he mentioned that WE could keep some modules kept on CTAN if deemed useful! My question is more about how ConTeXt controls these things or is responsible? regards Keith.
Am 26.01.2015 um 16:15 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 1/26/2015 2:57 PM, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
Hi Mojca,
Thank you for clarifying a few things.
I have not seen any information how to contribute modules to ConTeXt or how they are passed up the stream!
A few caveats though! 1) Who „authorizes“ ConTeXt modules for CTAN ? 2) Do not CTAN and TeXLive have pretty much the same guidelines? 3) Who gets to decide what is really „Useful“ ?
1 : the ctan maintainers, but in general they accept everything that suits tex and friends (of course it will only accept legally correct items)
2 : i think that texlive has more strict rules with respect to licenses
3 : quality control is not part of the picture nor is maintainance or useability ... i suppose something can end up on ctan that is unuseable, broken and unmaintained ... it's user driven
- : for texlive it can make sense to also provide the right information for inclusion and installation and that is what the garden packager does (you cannot expect texlive maintainers to keep track of all that)
I did not mean to say do not use TDS! Besides, one can always install the „missing“ modules in the TeXLive tree, if they really want them!
regards Keith.
Am 26.01.2015 um 14:03 schrieb Mojca Miklavec
mailto:mojca.miklavec.lists@gmail.com>: [snip, snip]
No, wait, let's try to clear things up first.
If modules should be on CTAN and aren't, I'll add them to CTAN. If modules are on CTAN, but not in TeX Live, we should figure out why they are excluded from TeX Live and either make sure that they are either added to TeX Live (if there are no problems with licencing, packaging etc.) or removed from CTAN (in case they are not really useful). We could keep some modules on CTAN if they are useful, but don't qualify for TL inclusion for some obscure reason. [snip, snip]