Garulfo schrieb am 19.07.2020 um 13:23:
Hi Wolfgang,
still working on the translation... (Hans pointed out the possibilities due to the support of UTF-8, which are just great for french language)
zip: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/File:MWE_test_itemize_french.zip
I have difficulties with a simple example file: MWE_test_itemize_french.tex
% interface=fr \configurerdétailler[style=gras] \débuttexte \débutdétailler[a] \élément Texte premiere \élément Texte second \findétailler \fintexte
It works properly with "minimal" modifications of mult-def.lua file: mult-def.lua.initial+diffminimalsetupitemize https://wiki.contextgarden.net/File:MWE_test_itemize_french.zip
but with a more complete mult-def.lua file: mult-def.lua.complet
I get "The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. You can just continue as I'll forget about whatever was undefined."
Could you please help me find my way around: what do I need to pay attention to so that my other modifications don't break the whole mechanism?
Everything works as expected but you have set a string for the endsetup element which has become part of your \setupitemize command. Setup commands are created in the following way: <setup string> + <name of the instance> + <endsetup string> this creates in your case the command \configurerdétaillerfinconfigurer As you don't want this leave the value of endsetup empty. Wolfgang