On 15 Mar 2020, at 11:22, Gerben Wierda
wrote: I would like a vardef macro to return the pair of a picture and a bounding box. I don't want to use the setbound operator, because as soon as I do that, I cannot access the components of the picture anymore with pathpart.
I found metapost vardef returning multiple values on StackExchange but that is about returning multiple values of the same numeric type. Is it possible to have vardef return a set of (picture, path) or (picture, picture) in some way? If not, I need to make two vardef macros for each result type.
Sure, using that same endgroup,begingroup trick. But since there is no multi-assignment in metapost that doesn’t you help much. Either two separate vardefs or passing the to-be-assigned variable(s) as an extra argument(s) are generally more practical. Best wishes, Taco