I have this problem: %% test.tex %-save this with utf-8 encoding-------------- \language[it] \enableregime[utf] \newif\ifArticleError %% \def\startArticle[#1]{% \getparameters[ARTICLE][#1] \setbox101=\vbox{% \csname ARTICLEdescription\endcsname% } %% here some sorts of checking %% if there are some errors %% while expanding %% \csname ARTICLEdescription\endcsname ; %% check will change state of \ifArticleError %% \ifArticleError %% errors: %% typescript macros \ARTICLEdescription \type{description:}% \edef\T{\expandafter% \meaning\csname ARTICLEdescription\endcsname}% \aftersplitstring \T \at>\to\Temp% \expandafter\type\expandafter{\Temp}% \else %% else ok \type{OK}% \fi } %% \starttext {{\bf Hòàà}\framed{wrong framed macros}} \startArticle[description={{\bf Hoòaà}\framed{ok framed macro}}] \startArticle[description={{\bf Hoòaà}\Framed{WRONG framed macro}}] \stoptext %-------------------------------------------------------------------- where oò := {o\`o} aà := {a\`a} compile it with $>texexec --pdf --batch test.tex Problems 1. i dont't know how to make checking 2. \type does not combine well with \meaning: ò (ie {\`o} ) is not show. thanks in advance luigi