Am 15.08.2014 um 17:33 schrieb Gerben Wierda
I am reproducing another document in an appendix. This document has a numbered structure and an appendix.
A. My Appendix
My appendix text introduction
1. Foo foo text
1.1 Foo foo text
2. Foo Appendix
1. FooBar FooBar text
1.1 FooBar FooBar text
1.1.1 FooBar FooBar text
When I use \chapter for My and \subsection and \subsubsection for Foo, how do I solve the FooBar appendix? I have now
\chapter My Appendix
My appendix text introduction
\subsection Foo foo text
\subsubsection Foo foo text
\subsection Foo Appendix
But then, how do I solve:
1. FooBar FooBar text
1.1 FooBar FooBar text
1.1.1 FooBar FooBar text
And to matters more complixated, Id like to reproduce the original's indentation, that is 1.1 is a bit more indented than 1 and 1.1.1 is a bit more than 1.1.
Can you make a *working* minimal example with the code you’re currently using? Wolfgang