Dne sreda 16. aprila 2008 je Suno Ano napisal(a):
Would you mind translating your comments into English? That would help others (including me) a lot! Tia :-)
Will do as soon as I can. Probably this week. When I do I'll make sure to notify you (and others) on the list :) Wow, I didn't think anyone would really have any use for it, since the citation styles are quite specific. Perhaps I should also include a .pdf (and source files) as a download, so people can see how it looks like.
Take a look at http://www.pragma-ade.com/general/manuals/cont-eni.pdf --> chapter 5
You want to pick a font family which has entire support for mathematical glyphs like for example - Computer Modern Roman or - Lucia Bright
Thanks, will take notice of it. I suppose these don't come out-of-the-box, or do they? Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 e-mail: matija.suklje@rutka.net www: http://matija.suklje.name aim: hookofsilver icq: 110183360 jabber/g-talk: matija.suklje@gabbler.org msn: matija.suklje@rutka.net yahoo: matija_suklje