Aditya Mahajan wrote:
This is a bug in doplaceformula. I do not know how to avoid it, but the next code illustrates what is happening.
\def\dotest{ \def\nextnext{$}% \ifx\next\nextnext Inside dispplaceformula\ldots % This always fails \else Inside dodoplaceformula\ldots \fi}
\test$$A = B$$
This prints "Inside dodoplaceformula" even though the next character is \$.
So, the \next=\nextnext branch never matches. I do not know why this happens, but a more robust check is needed in doplaceformula.
One is a macro, the other a \let character. This would work: \def\dotest{ \let\nextnext=$ \ifx\next\nextnext Inside dispplaceformula\ldots % This always fails \else Inside dodoplaceformula\ldots \fi} but the \ifcat is file as well, I think Taco