Hi Mojca
You can most probably do export TEXMFCACHE=~/.context/texmf-cache as well (but then every user would have to generate his own database).
OK. That's true. But then I will end up in redundant data. Maybe export TEXMFCACHE=/var/tmp/context/texmf-cache works. Then I have no world write permission in the /usr tree. I'll check it next update.
Do you mean because of the old luatex binary (Hans seems to have been a bit busy in the meantime) in linux or is there some other reason?
No. The luatex binary is way too old for the »beta« tree. But it's not a real problem as it always can be updated manually.
./first-setup.sh --flags='[you need a pattern to ignore luatex binary when syncing]'
This looks nice as a workaround 'till 0.50 will face away. But how will this pattern look like? Kinda regex? The files in question are /usr/local/share/context/bin/luatex /usr/local/share/context/tex/texmf-linux/bin/luatex Thanks for your help and answers. marco