On Tuesday 19 January 2010 20:31:22 Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Let me be a bit more "nationalistic" and exaggerate a bit for a moment (just in order to explain why I find the idea of using `` a bad one; do not take the text below too seriously or personally):
I think that the easiest would be for everyone to use English :) That's my bit for Imperialism! As I write in a mixture of languages, I like to use \quotation{}. But long-time TeX users have habits that die hard, and just as we expect fl to yield fl, we also learn many "bad" tricks such as ``'' and ...
- The deciding moment when some of these ugly tricks have been thrown away was when we realized that if you do add those tricks, there is no way to print the grave accent.
How about {\`} (untested) You probably are right to favor \quotation{}, \dots, etc. and to go unicode. But is it really necessary and a good idea to break with TeX culture? I guess so. What about $ $ (and $$ $$)? How about % (\%)? Not to mention &
I have no idea which keyboard you use, but US International is pretty rich (the problem is lack of some legend on keyboard itself), on the other hand it's easy enough to make your own layout.
My own computers are US International. However, I often use other computers having different layouts, many of which I cannot change. The worst I find are the Macs with French keyboards, as when I use them, I always have to remember how to find \ and {} The bottom line is that we need to document these differences towards the very beginning of the manual, where ConTeXt is identified as a form of TeX. Alan