I have a few large plots that each should take up an entire landscape A3 paper sheet. There is a heading above it. Can I print it on top of the image (overflowing it)? Example code: \setuppapersize[A3,landscape][A3,landscape] \setuplayout[topspace=10mm,header=0mm,footer=10mm] \part[appendices]{Appendices} \appendix[visualization_relations]{A: Visualizations of the relations between perplexity, WER} \subappendix{A-1: Scatterplot of perplexity (LM\low{baseline} and LM\low{skip})} \placefigure [force] [scatterplot_of_PPL] {Scatterplot of perplexity (LM\low{baseline} and LM\low{skip}).} {\externalfigure[/tmp/scatterplot_of_PPL.svg][factor=fit]}