Dear all, I tested the following code from Metafun. \startuseMPgraphic{lions b} picture pic; path p ; p := fullsquare xyscaled (\overlaywidth,\overlayheight) randomized 5pt ; pickup pencircle scaled 1pt ; fill p withcolor .850yellow ; draw p withcolor .5yellow ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[leopard][\uniqueMPgraphic{lions b}] \def\nota#1 {\inframed[frame=off,background=leopard]{#1}} \starttext \nota{test 1:} This is a test for line separation. %\midaligned{\nota{test 2}} \stoptext Then the sentence "This is a test." is written in a new line as following. test 1: This is a test. Q1. I'd like to have it in the same line as "test 1: This is a test." How to surpress the line break after test? Q2. Also, if I try to add \midaligned{}, then an error occured. .... ! Argument of \nota has an extra }. ... ... <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } l.15 \midaligned{\nota{test 2}} How to put it midaligned? Thank you. Best regards, Dalyoung