Ursula Hermann mailto:ursula.hermann@univie.ac.at 28. Juli 2016 um 15:59
Hello list!
I have a litte done wrong:
The \cite in the footnote is a title of a book, which I need in the "Bibliography" at the backmatter, with the Autors and the title and the year . .
I am not satisfied, because i got no backmatter with the publication.
I have mkiv.
Move \startbodymatter after \starttext.
\startchapter {Me}
Your attachment actively impedes the aim that brought you to it initially \footnote \cite{book,author: Berlant, Laurent: title:Cruel Optimism. year: 2011, Page 1}
\footnote needs braces around its argument (\footnote{...}). The \cite command expects a reference to a bibliography entry and not the entry itself, you can look into the manual (http://pragma-ade.nl/show-man-29.htm) how you can create your own entries. The \stopchapter command is missing.
Use = as separator for the key and entry of your chapter title.
Move \stopbackmatter before \stoptext because everything after the final \stoptext is ignored. Wolfgang