Am 29.01.2012 um 16:17 schrieb Pablo Rodríguez:
On 01/29/2012 01:05 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
The \type has to change the meaning of "\” to make it a normal symbol but when you use it with headcommand it is to late. A better command to show command is \tex{…} which appends a save version of "\” in front of the argument.
\definedescription[abc][headcommand=\tex] \starttext \abc{startext} not working \stoptext
Thanks for your reply, Wolfgang.
I'm afraid it doesn't work:
\definedescription[abc][headcommand=\tex] \starttext \abc{startext} not working \tex{stoptext} \stoptext
\tex{…} command works, but not if invoked from headcommand.
Thanks for your help,
I tested it now myself and what you want doesn’t work in this way. As you can see in the example below “headcommand=\tex” does work when you also use “location=command” but only with some limitations, e.g. the font is wrong and you loose also the option the change the location of the title. %\definedescription[abc][location=command,headcommand=\quotation] \definedescription[abc][location=command,headcommand=\tex] \starttext \abc{startext} not working \tex{stoptext} \stoptext Wolfgang