On Thu, Aug 21 2008, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
For beginners (especially former LaTeX users), this is a real headache: \framed, \externalfigure and so on start sometimes a new paragraph, and sometimes not. In my opinion, these commands should behave like a simple hbox.
But this is exactly what \framed does.
\starttext \framed{text} \framed{text} \hbox{text} \hbox{text} \stoptext
Oh, you're right, I was pretty sure, that \hbox behaved like a normal letter... Ok, then I would rather like to compare this with \parbox and \includegraphics from LaTeX: they behave like normal letters. Perhaps I've just spent too much of my life-time with LaTeX... :(
What you want produce also unwanted results in other commands.
\starttext \placefigure {Centered?} {\dontleavehmode\framed{No!}} \stoptext
I don't know, why this is not centred, but I would say, that \placefigure{Centred?}{\framed{test}} and \placefigure{Centred?}{test} should behave the same way. Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/