Am 25.09.2011 um 18:10 schrieb Stefan Müller:
Hi list,
I'm using 201100920 00:09 MkIV standalone. Some time ago Marcin Borkowski asked [1] on this list about framing floats together with their captions. It seems to be unanswered and now I stumbled upon a similar problem. I want to have a figure with a caption together in a frame as wide as the surrounding text, aka \textwidth and the caption filling the available horizontal space. I.e. I want something like
\setupcaption[width=\textwidth] \starttext \placefigure[here]{\input tufte}{\externalfigure[cow]} \stoptext
with a frame around it.
Found this in my mail archive: % engine=pdftex \setupexternalfigures[location={local,global,default}] \setupfloats[frame=on,frameoffset=1mm] \starttext \section{A figure with a background} \placefigure {none} {\placelegend {\externalfigure[mill][scale=2000]} {\placefloatcaption[figure]{A dutch mill}}} \stoptext It works only with MkII because \placefloatcaption isn’t yet rewritten for the new MkIV code. Wolfgang