16 Jun
16 Jun
3:08 p.m.
[this is going to bounce, because I'm posting from my travel account. forward only if you feel it necessary] Hans Hagen said this at Sat, 14 Jun 2003 10:57:13 +0200:
(This relates to an issue I mentioned earlier: anyone notice how these compound word marks *don't* interact well with font handling/hanging?)
yes, sometimes they are boxed thingies and they don't hang; for this the
_Sometimes_? Is there any way of choosing a compound word mark that isn't a box (along the lines of the above)?
concept of hanging should be extended (something \hangme {left} {right} {material}); i discussed this long ago with thanh but it didn't (yet) end up in pdftex -)
Okay, thanks for the explanation! adam