Hello, I need two more twiks for my footnotes: I am using asterisk instead of numbers or letter for the footnotes. Twik 1: My font is too slanted and the asterisk (*) is printed too close to the last word in the sentence. Example: Charles IV \footnote[]{asdfasdf} will print an asterisk touching the V letter. How do I instruct context to give me some room between the V and the asterisk? Second twik: How to control the distance between the page text and the rule line that separates the footnote and the page text? I tried the "distance=", th e "height=" arguments in the setupfootnotes, but they don't do what I want. thank you -- ======================================= "All problems are at the interface. Each one of them has a solution." from: "The Guitar Maker: An Exploration of Wisdom, Design and Love." A novel by C. A. Soto Aguirre. Pub. Date: October 2005.