Dear All, After having had a great deal of problems when submitting my context files to my publisher, I decided to write future projects in docbook (V4.4), rather than switching to Word or Open Office. From the docbook files I then can generate an rtf or wml file which is much more of use for the publisher, alas. For me this has the extra advantage of viewing the text in an xml editor, such as Xmlmind. My new docbook document processes well in Context and no errors are reported, thanks again Simon and others for this valuable application. However two major problems have come up. The first is a problem with Cals tables and figures: 1. After the section containing a table, all section headings in the following chapters, sections, subsections, even bridgeheads, until the end of the document are omitted, without due error message. 2. Figure titles create an extra section or subsection title. I solved this by using <informalfigure> instead and inserting a <caption>. For tables using caption is not an option. A second problem is the language label. In the top level of the tree, I add the language label, e.g. <book lang="nl">. In general, and for fo processors this is, I believe the right place. Context gives the following error message: \dodosetupsometextprefix ...malist [#3]\docommand \else \def \docommand ##1{... l.53 \XMLDBheadtext[nl]{figuren}{Figuren} This disappears when the label (lang="nl") is removed. Perhaps I am not right in putting the language label in this way, if so, please advise. I am grateful for any help, Robert