In article
James Fisher
This isn't specifically a ConTeXt question, but via it I've run into a seemingly simple problem in METAPOST that I just can't solve. I'm trying to draw a parallelogram by specifying: (1) the length of sides parallel to the x-axis; (2) the total height of the figure; (3) one of the interior angles.
Curiously enough, nobody has posted a solution that uses 'whatever', so here it is: z0 = origin; % bottom left z1 = (5,0); % bottom right y3 = y2 = 10; z3 = z0 + whatever*dir(87); % z3 is obtained by starting at z0 and % moving along dir(87) z2-z1 = whatever*(z3-z0); % The line z1--z2 is parallel to z0--z3 That is, what you were trying to achieve: angle(z3-z0) = dir(87); can be written instead: z3 - z0 = whatever*dir(87); Nicola