21 Jan
21 Jan
6:37 p.m.
Hello, Sebastian Rooks schrieb:
Did you try with a \fetchmark[chapter][first] as explained on the wiki ? http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Headers_and_Footers , section 2 "Using capitals"
That indeed worked. (I looked at ConTeXtgarden, but I seemingly missed the right keyword in my search :-( shame on me.) Anyway, \uppercase have some problems. I get with --------------------------- \enableregime[utf] \setupheadertexts[][{\expanded{\uppercase{\fetchmark[chapter][first]}}}] \starttext \chapter{Einführung} % EINFÜHRUNG \uppercase{ÄÖÜäöüß} % should be ÄÖÜÄÖÜSS \stoptext --------------------------- "ÄÖÜÄÖüß" ("üß" should be "ÜSS") and in the header I get "EINFßHRUNG". Tobias