Henri Menke mailto:henrimenke@gmail.com 5. August 2016 um 17:03 Dear list,
how can I switch to another typeface for the, say, roman font only? When I use \definefontfamily to do so it switches *all* the fonts, including math, to the one loaded (example below). This leads to very undesirable effects, such as math is no longer set in italics.
Cheers, Henri
\definefontfamily[main][rm][Linux Libertine O] \setupbodyfont[main] \starttext foo $bar$ \stoptext You have to set the math font (and sans serif or mono when you use them) as well because you’re switching to a new collection of fonts when you change the bodyfont.
\definetypeface [main] [rm] [serif] [libertine] [default] \definetypeface [main] [mm] [math] [modern] [default] \setupbodyfont[main] \starttext foo $bar$ \stoptext Wolfgang