On Jun 7, 2009, at 3:04 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
you need to reset the prefix, like prefix=no ; depends a bit on your definition
(i need to figure out a proper default scheme for a whole doc which is kind of tricky since we have more control now)
Oops, I am sorry, resetting the counter works in my xml files as well; I had a second after= assignment which confused ConteXt. It's almost perfect, but there's a spurious space creeping in somewhere. Reusing my old example: \startsetups section:after \ifodd\namedheadnumber{section}\relax \resetSlideNumber\incrementSlideNumber \else \incrementSlideNumber \fi \blank[0*line] \stopsetups \setuphead [section] [after=\setups{section:after}, page=yes, expansion=yes, before={\blank[0*big]}] \definelabel[SlideNumber][headstyle=normal,way=bytext,prefix=no,text=] \define\SLN{\color[red]{[\nextSlideNumber]}} \starttext \section{One} should be 2: \SLN \section{Two} should be 4: \SLN \section{Three} should be 2 again: \SLN \section{Four} should be 4 again: \SLN \stoptext Thanks for your help, and best wishes! Thomas