Hello! I'm collating some UNIX-like manpages into a PDF. I'm structuring the content like so: \setupcolors[state=start] \definehead[Volume] [part] % red colour: man(1) section \definehead[Library][part] % blue colour: library within section 3 \definehead[Manpage][chapter] \setuphead[Volume,Library,Manpage][page=yes,number=no,placehead=yes] \setuphead[Volume][color=red] \setuphead[Library][color=blue] \starttext \placecontent[list={Volume,Library,Manpage}] \startVolume[title=Section 1: Programs] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=progxyz(1)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopVolume \startVolume[title=Section 2: Syscalls] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=syscallxyz(1)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopVolume \startVolume[title=Section 3: Libraries] \startLibrary[title=libjpeg] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=jpegapi_a(3)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopLibrary \startLibrary[title=libpng] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=pngapi_a(3)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopLibrary \startLibrary[title=libbmp] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=bmpapi_a(3)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopLibrary \stopVolume \startVolume[title=Section 4: Drivers] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=drvxyz(1)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopVolume \startVolume[title=Section 7mk: Makefiles] \dorecurse{3}{\startManpage[title=xyz.mk(1)] \input lorem \stopManpage} \stopVolume \stoptext There I have grouped Volume 3 manpages into libraries. This grouping only applies to Volume 3. I'd like a single "title" page for each Volume (which I show in red), except for section 3, where I'd like a title page for each Library (which I show in blue). So the pagination should look like: toc S1 ... S2 ... libjpeg ... libpng ... libbmp ... S4 ... Where S* there is a red title page, S3 is absent, and lib* are blue title pages. I'm trying to work out how best to do this. Would you recommend I hide Volume 3's title page? I think that must be the simplest way, but I don't know how to do it using a setup. My data is coming from XML, and I'd like to avoid having a special \startVolume for Volume 3, if I can. Although perhaps that could help. Are there any other ways which might be more sensible? I wondered about using \setuphead[something][continue=yes] to fold the first blue title pages onto the red title pages, but even if I can do that, I think it would make things more difficult for getting the text right on those pages. Sorry for the long question! Thank you, -- Kate