Am 14.11.2008 um 17:07 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
On Fri, 14 Nov 2008, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
I try to change the linedistance in my footnotes but this is a pain with the current interface, I slightly modified the \setnotebodyfont macro and hope this could also be done in core-not.
You can also exploit the before key for this.
I already tried the before key but it comes to early and \restoreglobalbodyfont cancels the setting. I tried also \setupbodyfontenvironment but I don't want this because I could have also normal running text in the same size as the footnote but the linedistance need to be bigger.
\def\setnotebodyfont {\let\setnotebodyfont\relax \restoreglobalbodyfont \switchtobodyfont[\noteparameter\c!bodyfont]% \setuptolerance[\noteparameter\c!tolerance]% \setupalign[\noteparameter\c!align]% \noteparameter\c!commands} % <- new
I would suggest using setups key rather than commands. In fact, I wish all commands had a setup=... key. Tweaking the before key is not always convinient.
I don't care if the key is commands, setups, inbetween ... as long as it possible to change the linedistance I'm happy but something need to be done and I mean now and not in a few months/years, we live long enough with this restriction. Wolfgang