Matija Šuklje wrote:
Dne četrtek 27. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):
The solution is probably along the lines of [...] More tomorrow, maybe. You have picked the worst possible time to ask me about computer stuff. ;-)
Thanks, will try tomorrow. My day has been amazingly awful as well. I'll probably just do additions to the pf_ul.tex file where I think I'm on halfway familiar ground already.
Your pf_ul.tex had a spurious (or incomplete) \insert command at the end, that is what was causing an error problems "Missing number". For the footnoted references, this seems to work: % two new fields, for use in \mycite \newbibfield[avtor] \newbibfield[kratko] % footnote-based definition of \cite, with extra data \def\mycite[#1][#2]% {\bgroup % this adds the reference to the publication list % in the back: \nocite[#2]% % you can get all single-valued fields with this % \commands (title,issue,journal etc.) but not the % \author,\artauthor and \editor because they have % special arguments: \getcitedata[avtor][#2] to \localavtor \getcitedata[kratko][#2] to \localkratko % you may want more fields and/or better formatting: \footnote{\localavtor, \localkratko, #1}% \egroup} % use is like so: This is known\mycite[str. IV-VI in XI][bavcon_zkp] % this setup needs the extra \avtor and \kratko in the bbl file : \startpublication[ k=bavcon_zkp, a=Bavcon, t=clanek, y=2003] \title{Na rob peti noveli zakona o kazenskem postopku} \kratko{Na rob} \avtor{L. Bavcon} \author{Ljubo}[L.]{}{Bavcon} \journal{Pravna praksa} \volume{22} \issue{6/7} \pubyear{2003} \stoppublication You are operating on the border of what is doable for the current bibliographic module, and I have no time to spend a month on a rewrite just now, so if this is still not good enough, you are out of luck. Best wishes, Taco