taco@elvenkind.com wrote:

WN wrote:

The last page in my documents is always empty. The document is setup as 
singlesided via

Always, always (as in: it generates an empty page even if that results
in an uneven number of pages)?
Correct, always an empty page. I have documents which have an uneven number of pages, and
even number of pages.
Or does it fill out to an even number of generated pages?

Or does it always create an odd number of pages (I've heard that happen
with some conflicting settings between the use of sectionblocks and
I used the sectionblock option as described on http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Empty_page_at_the_end just 2 days ago
to eliminate the empty page at the end of the document, which it does. I did not use the sectionblock construct before.
Since then the markings  as explained in my original email don't work for the last couple of pages.
I use a couple of environment files which all define several things, title page, Table of contents,
Table of Figures, page layout, page numbering, headers/footers etc. I could attach all of them,
but I think the above settings are the one's that matter. I am not sure how to proceed to provide
the correct but minimal information. I tried to put everything in a test file, but I was not successful.

What is the overall structure of your document? The setups look ok, so
it is more likely something relating to your use (or not..) of section
blocks. For example, it could be that your headings do not work inside
appendices or backmatter?
I don't use appendices or a backmatter (yet), the overall structure of all my documents look like this

\startproject chn

\input ../global

\input chn-chapter1
\input chn-chapter2
\input chn-chapter3
\input chn-chapter4
\input chn-chapter5
\input chn-chapter6
\input chn-chapter7
\stopproject chn

I tried to attach the last three pages of my document, which demostrates the problem
but I exceeded the 40 KB. Is there another way of uploading documents 
which are more than 40 KB in size ?

Putting them on the wiki temporarily is an option.
I will try to do that

Thanks so far
Good luck,
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