Am 11.01.2013 um 09:45 schrieb Marco Patzer
On 2013–01–10 Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
You can try the beta from my bitbucket site [0] which uses a two mechanism for named buffers (\startannotation[<NAME>] … \stopannotation) which can be accessed with \getannotation[<NAME>].
It doesn't work for me:
\usemodule [annotation] \defineannotation [myannotation]
Use \defineannotation[myannotation][method=buffer] to disable the output from \startmyannotation … \stopmyannotation.
aaaaa \getannotation [foo]
You need \getmyannotation[foo].
\startmyannotation [foo] ANNOTATION \stopmyannotation
results in
aaaaa bbbbb ANNOTATION
\usemodule [annotation] \defineannotation [myannotation] \setupannotation [myannotation] [alternative=paragraph]
\starttext \startmyannotation \stopmyannotation \stoptext
results in
<+ t-annotation.lua>) ! Undefined control sequence.
\540>:way ->\sharedcounterparameter \c!way <argument> ...rparameter {\currentcounter }\c!way
Tested on: 2013.01.10 01:04
No idea where this comes from because there is no command with this name in the current version of the module. Do you have the following block at the begin of t-annoation.mkvi? %D \module %D [ file=t-annotation, %D version=2013.01.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ User Module, %D subtitle=Annotations, %D author=Wolfgang Schuster, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright=Wolfgang Schuster, %D license=GNU General Public License] Wolfgang