14 Aug
14 Aug
6:33 p.m.
Thank you for fixing this! On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 02:31:51PM +0200, Marcel Fabian Krüger wrote:
in the current luametatex upload, \scantokens (and also \scantextokens) behave odd: They seem to act like \detokenize, except that spaces get catcode other instead of catcode space:
\starttext \edef\abc{\scantokens{\relax}} \abc \edef\abc{\scantextokens{\relax}} \abc \stoptext
used to result in an empty output file but with luametatex, it writes \relax \relax to the output.
\starttext \def\showsecond#1{\show} \edef\abc{\scantokens{a b}} \expandafter\showsecond\abc \edef\abc{\detokenize{a b}} \expandafter\showsecond\abc \stoptext
the character blank space
Best regard, Marcel Krüger