On 09/11/2010 00:30, Michael Goerz wrote:
Hi everyone,
I want part titles to appear on the own (empty) page, centered horizontally and vertically, and in small caps. To this end, I've set up the \part command as
\def\Partcommand#1#2{\centerline{\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ]
The problem is that \centerline puts things in a hbox, which won't break across lines. That's probably right... just removing centerline doesn't lead to
Hi Michael!
Thanks for your answer!
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:01 AM, Michael Murphy
The solution below might not be the most ConTeXt-y way, but is perhaps the TeX way:
\def\raggedcenter{% \hyphenpenalty=10000 % no hyphenation \parindent=0pt \rightskip0pt plus1em % add stretchy glue to left \leftskip0pt plus1em % and right \spaceskip.3333em \xspaceskip.5em \parfillskip=0pt % reg. word spacing \hbadness=10000 % Last line will usually be underfull, so turn off % badness reporting. }
\def\Partcommand#1#2{{\raggedcenter\smcp #2}} \setuphead[part][ placehead=yes, number=no, page=mychapterpagebreak, header=high, footer=high, before={\hbox{}\vfill}, command=\Partcommand, after={\vfill}, prefix=no, ] Hmm... that doesn't seem to do linebreaks. It shifts the part title a bit horizontally. It also does weird things to some my *chapter* titles (add a large space after the first word), which is configured as \setuphead[chapter][ page=mychapterpagebreak, number=no, alternative=c, align={center, nothyphenated, verytolerant}, style={\switchtobodyfont[16pt]}, header=high, footer=chapterpage, ]
WTF? Very very strange! Michael