On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 12:54 AM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
One more question: how can I say "please keep this content together" when typsetting in columns on grid? \vbox behaves a bit weird, but most important: it does not align baselines properly.
So like this: \long\def\startpleasekeepmetogether#1\stoppleasekeepmetogether {\hereshouldprobablybesomepenaltyfixtoallowcolumnbreak \bgroup\interlinepenalty=10000#1\egroup} ? I alweays fear using such constructs since I have a feeling that ConTeXt has something better to offer, but colums seem a bit problematic anyway.
You could also redefine to prohibit a pagebreak/columnbreak between paragraphs but these things should be done in a local group.
It needs to be done locally anyway. I just need to keep some portions together. Mojca // My next project with Word & Paint :) :) :)