Thanks. The immediate goal is to make a �quad chart� w/ different pains in the four (2x2 => NW, NE, SW, SE) quadrants. It seemed that the concept was scalable to any NxM (even with multi-cell spreads---useful for larger structured
posters) based on TABLE. But I'd settle for 2x2 at the moment; at one point I'd thought of 2x2+1 having a spanning block for publication references per slide but decided a separate publications slide was a better idea visualy..
If they have to see an end command, would before/after tags work around a framedtext or buffer structure?
1. 2x2 panes, layout order not important, all panes
independent; no flow (like Framemaker used to do) requiredbetween panes.
2. was going to have inner frames (i.e. + frame for 2x2 which was trivial to specify in TABLE) to separate the panes
3. other than wanting the + frame, inner margins &c. for panes wsn't an issue either way.