27 Jul
27 Jul
5:03 a.m.
On Sun, 24 Jul 2022, Mikael Sundqvist via ntg-context wrote:
Dear list,
I just noticed that Hans made a new release (thanks Taco for these cron'd emails!).
I attach to this email somemoreformulas.tex, with some additional examples to the previous ones, with tests/examples on issues people had with the previous release. If there still are problems, please tell!
I finally shamelessly provide a link to the slides of the talk on math in ConTeXt at tug that I just gave: https://www.maths.lth.se/matematiklth/personal/mickep/mps-tug.pdf. I guess there will be a video available in due time, (check https://tug.org/tug2022/).
Very nice presentation! Lots of new features to play with. Thanks, Aditya