On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Hans Hagen
On 1-2-2011 6:53, Vnpenguin wrote:
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 22:28, Hans Hagen
wrote: On 31-1-2011 7:11, Hans van der Meer wrote:
Thanks for changing things that way between one and the other. I am starting to get a bit choleric about all things that constantly seem broken with the next update. Sorry for the sour note but these are costing me hours to iron out, time I do not have at the moment.
well, no one forces you to update betas
also, as long as we're in transition to mkiv you can expect an occasional hickup, after all, i have only a few machines to test
It's better to have someone could give you a hand. In the long term, something like "Release Team" would be a must for ConTeXt development. With this team, we can do some "Unit testing" for each release in order to minimize problem.
to some extend this is what the beta is for ... because mkiv is a moving target it sort of replaces the current, but if i can imagine that users wait a few days with updating till there are no problems reported
concerning testing ... there is a slowly growing test suite, and i guess that at some point Luigi will run it alongside his module documentation runs .. you can offer him help with that (sanjoy also has made some test setup) ...mea culpa.... I'm busy with bachotex material --- and a wrong Ubuntu LTS upgrade... -- luigi